All of the work that Dr. Clement Shimizu does involves many collaborators. This page lists some of the cool things that you can buy that he is involved with. From economical (origami book) to the extreme (Planetarium).
By Clement Shimizu & Zeth, illustrations by Yulika Murakami & Aya Avalon, diagrams by Mathieu Troullier My first children’s book, Origami Quest, teaches Origami, the art of Japanese paper folding, as part of a storybook. Follow on an adventure through a wild forest and learn how to fold each of the animals you meet.
This excellent project was created by Dr. Clement Shimizu’s technical artist intern Aya Avalon. It consists of an art therapy activity book plus a downloadable video game. The Garden game teleports you to a virtual botanical sanctuary. Fantastic creatures shepherd you through a wondrous space of art therapy and guided meditation.
Dr. Clement Shimizu’s company Elumenati produces a variety of displays systems. Our Digital Globes are compatible with Science on a Sphere. Also we make planetariums, and panoramic displays.